Interested in our tiles? Let’s find out if we are a match

Our tiles are high quality reproductions, made by using traditional techniques and materials. We have set ourselves the goal to offer the market the most authentic hand-painted reproductions available on this planet. We are not making any concessions in accomplishing this, so of course the tiles are made in the Netherlands and painted by hand. All of what we do to make them as authentic as possible, is based on the expertise of the leading antique Delft tile specialist firm; Regts – Delft Tiles.

We are not aiming to have a long list of dealers, but we do want to find high-quality, service oriented dealers that already offer an assortment with a focus on interior design and classically inspired building materials. If you are interested in discussing the possibilities of working with us and offering your customers the beauty and charm of our Delft tiles, we welcome you to sign up by filling out the form at the bottom of this page.

Frequently asked questions for dealers

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No obligations. We’ll contact you and see if we’re match. You can expect our response within three business days.

Our tiles are hand-painted in the Netherlands. They are perfect for high-end interior design or restoration projects. All designs are based on original antique Delft tiles, dating from the 17th, 18th and 19th century.